A claim has occurred. What needs to happen next?

When a claim has occurred, we aim to make the process as easy as possible. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Refer to the end of the policy for instructions on how to report a claim.
  2. Inform us about any claims within 48 hours of the loss.

For liability claims:

For APD/MTC claims:

  • File a claim by visiting [our claims support page](https://link-to-claims-page.com) and providing the necessary information.
  • Upload any supporting documents like police reports or photos from the scene.

We will get back to you within one business day after receiving the claim details. Please respond promptly and encourage your client to cooperate with the investigation. This will help us settle and close the claim as quickly as possible. We are here to support our policyholders every step of the way.